Our Caterpillars and Turtles have been so excited to welcome the spring season and have filled their classrooms with experiences for their babies to celebrate the arrival of spring. Their dramatic play center has been transformed to offer more opportunities to explore things that the spring brings. régi nyerőgépes játékok One of their favorite things to play with is the animals. They love making the sound moooo and learning the Spanish vocabulary to match the animals. They have also explored with all five of their senses, squeezing, smelling, seeing and even tasting cold noodles that were dyed into some of our favorite colors that the spring can bring! melyik fogadóiroda a legjobb
The Turtles and Caterpillars have also been learning about weather. They are reading books about spring and learning this season brings flowers, but also brings lots of rainy days too. kínai bukméker meggyilkolása They got to see and practice using an umbrella, rain boots, and a rain jacket and loved planting their own plant in hopes that it will sprout come May!