We have deeply missed our weekly music classes with Ms. Norma and are so thankful to have welcomed them back at WKA over the last two weeks! Each week, the classes began with a welcome song where they were able to dance, move and cheerfully sing some of our most favorite songs in Spanish. nyerőgépes játékok letöltése ingyen During class the children enjoy singing a variety of different songs and playing along with their musical instruments. sportfogadás online tippek
Two of their favorites have been marching around the room and stomping their feet while singing El Ratón Japonés or using maracas while they sang the song, Mi Pollito Amarillito. Ms. Norma has brought back some of our most treasured songs along with interactive puppets, playing the guitar or piano and even a few barnyard friends to join in on the class! With each song, children are learning rhythm, beats and patterns, while getting their bodies moving and practicing the Spanish language! lovi fogadóiroda